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Tulsa, OK, United States
I am a Business Owner, Consultant, Husband, Dad, Brother and Son.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Being a leader

I love reading John Maxwell and his leadership books. I have never found a person who was so dead on in his beliefs about what it takes to be a leader. You know how all of us get into ruts in our lives and there are times we question ourselves about our direction and our purpose in this world. One thing I have learned to do is to slay my giants one day at a time. I can not look at today and wish it away and I can not take short cuts and hope to one day expect to be where I want to be. All of us have to learn that the only way to get what we want out of life is to pay the price. I have failed in this area several times before and I refuse to do it again with the grace of God of course.

A leader has to simply lead by example. The Marines drill this into your head as they require every Marine Drill Instructor to pass every part of boot camp before they pick up the new recruits. This includes all obstacles, all runs, all combat skills and knowledge needed to be a Marine DI. Even as a Marine DI I have had times in my life where I did not do what was necessary to become a winner. Some say that winners and leaders are born. I don't believe that. I believe that winners and leaders are continually developing toward some vision or goal they have set for themselves. You can not be a leader unless you know where you are leading. You can not win unless you simply pay the price. Those who enjoy themselves today and put off the work until later will definitely pay the price for it later. I choose this day to lead the way I know I am suppose to. I slay my work giants, my spiritual giants, my physical giants every day by simply doing those things I have set my mind to.

So become a leader today by setting your goals and remembering them as you labor toward them. No goal or dream is ever reached without a daily progression toward that goal. No leader can expect his or her followers to produce better than they themselves do. If a leader is slack and lazy, you can bet his followers are too. If a leader has a great work ethic and learns to slay his or her giants the people following or peers will look at the leader in awe at what they can accomplish and they too will drive harder in the same direction.

So don't think that you will grow up and be a leader or have your goals without first being willing to pay the price. I would rather retire at 50 than to have to work until I am 70 to get what I dream of having. So put one minute in front of the other and slay your giants so you can reach your dreams and goals.

Kevin McDugle
Business Consultant